Life Is Good

Life Is Good

Thursday, May 13, 2010

BEA 2010: Kids Galleys to Grab

I can't wait! Book Expo America is my favorite book fair of all and it's May 24-27 year in NYC. This year will be even more special since I get to spend the weekend with Henry before I hit NYC.

If you see anything (check out the link: BEA 2010: Kids' Galleys to Grab) you want me to grab then post a comment below.

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I'll post pix and reviews when I return.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm not really all that but it's nice to hear

Happy Mother's Day to Me
I only wish I'd had my mother here on Mother's Day so I could tell her how much I love and appreciate all she did for me.
Thanks Leisy for the sentiments. You and your sisters are my heroes.

Sunday, May 9, 2010
ode to my mum from Leisy Oswald Miller

I've always been surrounded by many wonderful moms. I have the most amazing aunts, the greatest grandmas, the superest sister moms, and the best mother in law. But I have to say that it's my mum- the real deal- Nannie Annie- who is my very very favorite. She is the very very best. She is the most amazing. She is super mom. She's better than all the rest of the moms in the world.

And here's the proof! :) Her four amazing, beautiful, and wonderful daughters. We are who she has made us. We are who she has taught us to be. We are great because of her example, her love, and her leadership.
Thanks, mum for your friendship and your "momness". It is unique and perfect. Just take a look at all you've done!!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Telephone Remake

Enjoy! This made me laugh out loud. Let's support our troops--look at their good work.

My Family

My Family
Christmas in OH

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home
Harvest 2015