Life Is Good

Life Is Good

Monday, November 23, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude Day 5

Today I'm grateful for my dream job. I love what I do. I love the people I work with. I love the travel. I love the people I meet and the places I go. I love the books. I love our corporate mission.

I know you think I'm nuts but it took me a long time to get here. And yes, there are days I hate the job, the problems, the politics, etc. etc. but mostly it's worth all the hassle.

So, since you're reading this, I've been part of the team that is creating, writing, reviewing, marketing and now-releasing a brand new book called Great Work, Great Career. The book comes out in December and I really really like it. I haven't loved every book we release but this one I do. This book reminded me of why I do what I do and how I can do it better.

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