Life Is Good

Life Is Good

Friday, July 17, 2015

Congrats to Cousin Ellen Adrian for raising a smart daughter!

Like It Never HappenedLike It Never Happened by Emily Adrian
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Smart and contemporary. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book so much so that I read it clear through on a flight back from China.

I liked the characters, I liked the story line; the writing flows very well and is engaging. The content is relevant to teens today and to parents of teens. I liked too that it was very localized in Portland.

I kept asking myself if Emily had been (or is) a high school thespian or if she had been aware of or part of a teacher/student relationship--don't let that be a spoiler for the book--that's not really what the book is about. It's about peer relationships, school relationships, family relationships, and discovering who you are and where you're going. This book totally took me back to what it felt like to be 15-16 years old.

I'd like to read more from Ms Adrian.

View all my reviews

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